eMysteries Toolkit

PAGE \* MERGE FORMA T3 O apoio da Comissão Europeia à produção desta publicação não constitui um endosso do conteúdo, que reflete apenas as opiniões dos autores, sendo que a Comissão não pode ser responsabilizada por qualquer uso que possa ser fei to das informações nela contidas. [Projeto número 2019-1-DE03-KA201-060127] 79 Oczkus, L.D. (2018). Chapter 1. From Reciprocal Teaching at Work: Powerful Strategies and Lessons for Improving Reading Comprehension, 3 rd Edition. http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/118045/chapters/The-Fab-Four@- Reciprocal-Teaching-Strategies.aspx ( accessed 16 Apr 2020). Pollock, E. J., & Chun, H. W. (2008). Why Use Detective Fiction in the AP Classroom? Available at: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED503224.pdf (accessed 28 Feb 2020). Pompano J. A. (1995). Teaching Detective Fiction Through a Cross CurriculumUnit, in Gender, Race and Milieu in Detective Fiction , Volume I, Yale-New Haven: Teachers Institute. Available at: https://teachersinstitute.yale.edu/curriculum/units/1995/1/95.01.10.x.html (accessed 28 Feb 2020). Price-Anisman M. P. (1984). Finding the Key: Teaching Detective Fiction in the Developmental Classroom, in Teaching America: The Common Ground, report of the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute . Available at: https://teachersinstitute.yale.edu/pubs/A4/price-anisman.html (accessed 28Feb 2020) Reutzel, D. R., Jones, C. D., Fawson, P. and Smith, J.A. (2008). Scaffolded Silent Reading: A Complement to Guided Repeated Oral Reading That Works!. The Reading Teacher 62(3), 194−207. DOI:10.1598/RT.62.3.2. Rosebrock, C., Jörgens, M. (2012). Die Bedeutung des eigenständigen Lesens für die Ausbildung vonLiteralität bei schwachen Lesern. In: Frickel, D. A., Kammler, C. und Rupp, G. (Hrsg.): Literaturdidaktikim Zeichen von Kompetenzorientierung und Empirie. Perspektiven und Probleme . Freiburg: Filibach.211−234. Scholastic.com (2020). Plan your mystery worksheet . Available at: https://www.scholastic.com/content/dam/teachers/lesson-plans/migrated- featured-files/janplanmystery.pdf ( accessed 02 Mar 2020). Schrammel, A. (2011). Reading and reading promotion in upper secondary education . Seminar paper.