eMysteries Toolkit
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2019-1-DE03-KA201-060127] 7 Leónie Bischoff and Oliver Bocquet called La Princesse des Glaces (2014) (https://labibliothequedesev.wordpress.com/2016/10/04/la-princesse-des- glaces/) . The multimodal channels of this text are an example of what young students may find appealing today. Reading is thus capable of mobilizing knowledge from different fields in the students’ experience. Additionally, multimodal mystery detective stories such as this engage students in a literacies approach. Responses and reactions to written texts are influenced by readers’ previous social and reading experiences on multimedia. They reinforce the use of several media for learning, to explore text types across a range of disciplines and to engage with several forms of art. However, the eMysteries Toolbox seeks to move young people away from the fast processing associated to the digital medium affordance and invite readers to experiment with slower, more concentrated processes of reading, such as close reading. Close reading mystery detective stories is presented as a way to boost students’ deep reading comprehension (Elder and Richard, 2004). For those teachers who find it hard to integrate the eMysteries Toolbox suggestions of titles or pedagogical approaches directly into a very packed curriculum, they may make use of the titles and pedagogic suggestions offered by the eMysteries Toolbox as a resource to supplement the implementation of the curriculum. Pedagogic suggestions in Modules 2 and 3 are organised around opportunities for the participatory empathetic, critical, and analytical engagement of students with what they read, and thus can be easily adapted to other reading materials or classroom practices (as self-study material for students, additional preparation for reading exams, etc.). Close reading and collaborative writing techniques, as the ones presented in the Toolbox, can be used and adapted across many disciplinary subjects in secondary education. Mystery Detective Stories In Module 1 the eMysteries Toolbox explores the narrative concept of the mystery detective story across several media (in narrative, comics, graphic novels, digital multimodal text). It demonstrates why mystery detective stories may be potentially engaging for secondary school readers aged 15 to 19: plot,
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