eMysteries Toolkit

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2019-1-DE03-KA201-060127] 56 Ideas for detectives from well-known detective stories The characters are practically the essential part of the story. Without a good protagonist or protagonists, there is no story. The main character is the essence of the story because he or she is the one who will solve the mystery, so she/he has to have certain characteristics and skills be an interesting and outstanding person. Main character Depending on the plot you choose for your mystery story, you will have different main characters. Generally, there is a detective and a murderer or antagonist. It is important that the detective has a strong personality. The people who read the story will want to know everything about the main characters, not only what they do in the story, but what their lives involve, what is in their past and any other interesting and intriguing elements that we might find interesting. Also, it's important that the characters evolve throughout the story. If the main character has a strong and unusual personality, like Sherlock Holmes for example, he has to experience changes throughout the story that the reader empathizes with or at least removes him. As for the antagonist, there can be several of them throughout the plot (for example, if more than one mystery has to be solved) or just one. In the case of just one, he or she must also have a very strong personality, a motive and a story behind it. Think of your favourite mystery stories, movies or series and come up with your own original idea. To build the main character, the first step is to choose if it will be a character with superhuman skills (a superhero) or if it will be a more humane protagonist, with shortcomings and imperfections. The antagonist can also be a super-villain or a more human character that the reader can even empathize with, like the Joker. Secondary characters While the protagonists of your story will be the detective and the antagonist will be the villain it would be nothing without the secondary characters, who