eMysteries Toolkit

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2019-1-DE03-KA201-060127] 52 Stories of the "whys": also called etiological, these are small stories that exist in each culture and try to explain the world and the closest natural events. 1. For example, in the Disney story “Snow White” why didn't Snow White marry any dwarfs? 2. Questions from everyday situations can be asked to students and answered in the form of stories. Apps for collaborative writing ✓ BoomWriter is an online platform for collaborative writing, including proofreading, voting and discussion. ✓ Google Docs belongs to Google Drive, allows several people to write a document at the same time and is the easiest to use. It has many functions to comment and correct the texts written by another person and also chat. ✓ Writer Duet tool allows you to work on linguistic and artistic competence. It is only necessary to send an invitation by mail to the people who are going to participate, the files are saved automatically. ✓ Inklewriter is a tool for writing interactive stories. ✓ Write Better With Draft is useful when sharing a Google Doc as collaborators can overwrite the master copy. When you share your document using Draft, any changes your collaborator makes are on their own copy of the document, and you get to accept or ignore each individual change they make. Individual/collaborative writing checklist Collaborative writing is a group work that is done with the students. Depending on the tool to be used, the organization will be different. However, there are some steps that are common. ✓ How the student body is organized. Dividing students in groups is always a complicated task. You have to think about how many people are in the class and that in order to function efficiently in a cooperative way, groups have to consist of four people maximum. ✓ Once the groups have been created, prepare the tools and materials they will work with. In this case, it would be good to provide students with dictionary tools, vocabulary, spelling rules, etc. ✓ Organize a set of rules for using the collaborative writing tool. Explain how it works and what they have to do. If it is an online tool, you can use the comments or the chat to explain and solve doubts. Also explain the