eMysteries Toolkit
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2019-1-DE03-KA201-060127] 10 interrogate the text and infer meaning from the text or link what is read to previously acquired knowledge. This involves close attention to the words on the page and critical or deep analysis of what is read, and consequently, deeper engagement with text. According to teachers the ability to close read parts of a text is connected to the development of critical and analytical interpretation, as well as to inferential thinking and problem solving, which may be useful across a series of subjects such as Science, History or Geography and of course Literature. In-depth text analysis as promoted though close reading strategies, develops reading abilities to understand the world, such as literal understanding, critical and creative analysis, as well as inference. Collaborative Creative Writing Module 4 includes all steps to guide secondary school students from reading mystery detective novels to creating their own: finding good ideas to develop in their writing, following suggestions from stories, coming up with mystery plots, suspects, clues, and mystery resolutions. It also highlights the importance of collaborative writing by suggesting activities that students can carry out together as well as digital apps that can assist them. In connection to close reading techniques, Module 4 focuses on techniques to close reading that students wrote, by inviting self and peer-reviews, summarizing and outlining. How to Use the eMysteries Toolbox The eMysteries Toolbox is structured in four modules. Each module can be used independently to research one particular topic or its associated resources. Below the main topics in each module are highlighted in order to facilitate reading. Module 1 is on Mystery Detective Stories. It explains how mystery detective stories are structured and highlights why and how they should be read with secondary school students who are reluctant readers or lack reading competence. It also offers a glossary of most common terms of mystery detective stories and a table with well-known mystery detective stories and contemporary ones. Module 2 is on Teaching Mystery Detective Stories to upper secondary school students. The module highlights examples of how teachers have used mystery
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